Elly Respite Care Services (ERC) offers personalized support to children with Intellectual Disability, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Epilepsy, Down Syndrome and IQ under 70, as well as to their families. Families who have a child with one of these developmental disabilities often experience ongoing stress. All aspects of the family’s life are impacted and those who report less stress usually are the consumers of supportive care such as respite services. ERC is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving families of children with developmental disabilities.
Preferred Providers are the family’s choice of staffing but ERC can accommodate them by going through the agency’s staffing procedure. The preferred provider’s design is to revitalize both the consumer and family by assisting the consumer and allowing him or her to remain in their home and be around individuals the family is comfortable with. ERC’s family preferred providers furnish support which help to maintain families, individuals in their homes, and enhance the personal growth and development of all family members.
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